This is my first attempt at writing about my experience as a daddeeeeee. So here it goes! I hope that you can relate as a parent and enjoy how my story reads so far.
Little Kai was born on the 29th of February 2016 and came into this world in a whirlwind. Tara, my wife had a traumatic birth which has not been easy to recover from, but Kai arrived safely ready to start his adventures. Whose kid is born on the 29th of February?? I bet you are thinking bonus! Birthdays only every four years. Not likely… Like every child, the ritual of celebrating the day he joined us is such that every four years, we are just going to have to make it extra special. Oh, and to top it off Kai is a Fire Monkey in the Chinese Zodiac. I’m not going to go into those details, but the words Fire and Monkey should tell you enough about what that means. Whirlwind for sure!
As a father, you go through the first year of being a dad and you remain relatively unscathed. You are doing okay. Millions have managed this feat prior to you and were also okay. Not easy though, I know. Feeding, changing, burping, bathing, feeding, changing, burping, bathing, work, sleep / don’t sleep and life. All while trying to be a loving, caring and sympathetic partner always there to fill in the gaps. After a year of surviving not being maimed by your partner, things start to get easier. By this point you have mastered the essential daddy skills and you begin to feel less like the rabbit in the headlights. From a first-time dad, here are a few tips and tricks to get you to 2 ¾.
Make time, give up time and try squeeze in a little extra time. Be present and on time, all the time. Franchise sport will continue to play on TV. Don’t worry. Turn the TV off and put your phone down. Make time to engage and bond with your lil’one.
Foot Massages. Learn to give your partner a foot massage. This will absolve you for many mishaps.
Get a carrier, go hands free. I have found this to be the best investment. After buying a pram and an off-road one too, the carrier wins hands down. Used it so much.
A good backpack. Nappy bags are not practical. Sure they look nice and all, with pockets here and there and some featuring zips. I always found more fits into a backpack and it’s a much better counter-balance when baby is strapped to your chest.
Be patient. Little ones can push buttons you thought you never had. They don’t understand the concepts of you being tired or having a bad day.
Get down to their level. Take a knee when you want to have a chat.
Let them get involved in what you are doing. Be it mowing the lawn or doing the dishes, you can get your little one help you as much as they can. It makes them feel super important!
Read loads of books. Oh and you will have to read the same book over and over again. Just love it.
Have Daddy Dates or Boys Day Out. This not only gives Mom a break and she will love you more for it, but it really helps you bond with your little one.
Love being a Dad
Hope these help! Nappies are smelly, that’s not going to change. Brushing teeth will be challenging and meal times can be leave you feeling desperate. Be all the Dad you can be and if there is anything that I can leave you with, it is my first tip. Make time. Time as a parent seems to take on a different dimension and before you can even blink your baby is a toddler. Be cool and be Daddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
What a wonderful post Carl, I loved reading this! Your enthusiasm for being a Dad and the best Dad you possibly can be literally jumps off the page. Mel
1 Comment
What a wonderful post Carl, I loved reading this! Your enthusiasm for being a Dad and the best Dad you possibly can be literally jumps off the page. Mel