Ah, the second trimester! It felt this time round that the second trimester arrived a little late. Still feeling nauseas at 16 weeks, I thought maybe […]
Nausea, tiredness, irritability and excitement all rolled into the first trimester. For me, this is not the trimester of the pregnancy glow! Now on my second […]
As with the birth of Kai, nothing really prepared me for my breastfeeding journey. There is plenty of information on breastfeeding out there, but until I […]
I thought I knew a lot about being pregnant! Well, until I actually fell pregnant. I had heard about morning sickness, moodiness, extreme emotions, cravings, you […]
Trying to find out the things you need when your little one arrives? You are likely somewhere in your pregnancy (so YAY!! Congratulations!!) and realize you […]