" Tara, Author at Birnbaum Designs

Climbing the Rungs to Fitness: Exploring the Benefits of Swedish Ladders

Swedish ladders, also known as wall bars, have been a fixture in gyms and schools for decades, but they’re also becoming increasingly popular in homes as […]

Which Pikler Triangle is best for my child?

We get asked this question all the time! With so many options out there, we know it can feel so overwhelming to pick the right one. […]

A toddler in the Workshop

So I’m proud to say I’m a daddddeeeee for the second time. Yes, two wonderful boys. Now I have two sons to teach practical skills to. […]

Finding myself

After a traumatic emergency Cesarean with Kai, my firstborn, I was quite determined to not have to have a Cesarean this time round. I am ever […]

The third trimester – bigger and bigger while building my nest

You know you are in the third trimester of pregnancy when you need a five minute break after you get out the shower. The smallest of […]

Pregnant with a toddler

“Be careful of mommy’s tummy!” seems to be the sentence of the year. Being pregnant with a toddler is a truly beautiful, and what sometimes feels […]

Toddler chef – how your little one can help you in the kitchen

A home cooked meal is one of my favourite things. Both Carl and I love cooking and it is only on the rare occasion that we […]

“Daddeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Yes, My Boy?”

This is my first attempt at writing about my experience as a daddeeeeee. So here it goes! I hope that you can relate as a parent […]

The Second Trimester – The Glow – Sort of…

Ah, the second trimester! It felt this time round that the second trimester arrived a little late. Still feeling nauseas at 16 weeks, I thought maybe […]

The first trimester – Nausea, tiredness, irritability and excitement

Nausea, tiredness, irritability and excitement all rolled into the first trimester. For me, this is not the trimester of the pregnancy glow! Now on my second […]

Trying to conceive at 38 – the two weeks wait

Ready for our next little one to join our family, I learnt that trying to conceive at 38 seemed like the never ending 2 weeks wait. […]

In the beginning, there was Birnbaum

The puzzle joints of creating Birnbaum Designs. As parents to be, when we began to kit little Kai’s space out we soon realized that the products […]